The Flame Tree Beyond and Within short story collections bring together tales of myth and imagination by modern and contemporary writers, carefully selected by anthologists, and sometimes featuring short stories from a single author. Overall, the series presents a wide range of diverse and inclusive voices with myth, folkloric-inflected short fiction, and an emphasis on the supernatural, science fiction, the mysterious and the speculative. The books themselves are gorgeous, with foiled covers, printed edges and published only in hardcover editions, offering a lifetime of reading pleasure.
Introduction excerpt by Lee Murray and Dave Jeffery:
‘In these pages, you will discover tales of trauma, dissociation, body dysmorphia, psychosis, depression, anxiety, and more, captured in all forms of horror from the extreme to the nuanced. There is jaw-dropping violence, skin-crawling body horror, and quirky dark humour, alongside the quiet, heartbreaking introspections of people spiralling into madness. Yet all the stories and poems in this volume are framed so that the insensitive, stereotypical presentations of mental illness commonly found in horror are resoundingly and appropriately absent. Our authors have achieved this in a number of ways. As well as drawing on lived experience and careful research, they have all made effective and inventive use of metaphor; a conceit also employed by horror masters like Poe and Gilman, to explore the complex effects that mental illness incurs on a person. Conjuring ghosts and poltergeists, vampires, haunted houses, and other unnerving manifestations, our authors have punctuated their tales with powerful symbolism, startling imagery, and compelling, and often confronting, intimacy. For a moment, we are living in the minds of their protagonists, obliged to experience their psychoses first hand, to listen to their reasoning, to see the inexorable lengths they will go to survive. We are forced to watch the horrific loss of self.’
Contents List:
TBR by Kayleigh Dobbs
The Scarlet Angels of Regret by Jonathan Maberry
Bangs by Emily Ruth Verona
Sawn Wife by Stephen Volk
Self-Portrait by Cynthia Pelayo
The Mark by Grace Chan
Poppet by Freddie Bonfanti
Dissolution of the Self on the Altar of Your Dreams: A Case Study by Sayan J. Soselisa
Calm Springs by C.D. Vázquez
The Soup of Life by Callum Rowland
Speak by L.E. Daniels
A Solitary Voice by Ramsey Campbell
My Ghosts Have Dreams by Sumiko Saulson
Nothing and the Boy by Amanda Cecilia Lang
The Familiar’s Assistant by Alma Katsu
We Don’t Talk About the Sink by Ryan Cole
Old Friends by Tim Waggoner
A Note for William Cowper by Sara Larner
There’s a Ghost in My House by Marie O’Regan
The Book of Dreems by Georgina Bruce
The Dark Gets In by Sean Hogan
Eighty-five Per Cent, Give or Take by Alan Baxter
The Carousel by Stephanie M. Wytovich