Available to buy now, Compelling Science Fiction is our latest popular hardback anthology! In keeping with the style of the series, it combines new and recent fiction with classic works from the genre. A fascinating foreword is provided by Joe Stech, publisher of the Compelling Science Fiction magazine. In last week’s Q&A, some of the modern authors shared the inspiration behind their tales in the book. Now, they cast light on their various writing processes, and recommend other compelling science fiction stories – so you might want to prepare your TBR piles for some more additions!
Flame Tree Fiction
Compelling Science Fiction | Author Q&A | Best Stories & Writing Practices
Our recent release Compelling Science Fiction is packed full of fascinating stories on the plausible side of the SF spectrum. The story selection, consisting of new and recent stories by modern authors alongside classic fiction from the genre, was formed in collaboration with Joe Stech, foreword writer and consultant editor of this anthology and publisher of the Compelling Science Fiction magazine. In this first part of a Q&A with some of the book’s authors, they reveal the inspirations behind their contribution…
We're delighted to let you know this new call for submissions is open! Please read through the submission details carefully as we’ve changed some of our guidelines and it could result in your submission not being acknowledged.
Topics: Gothic Fantasy, Short Stories, myths and legends, short fiction, Call For Submissions, anthologies
We're delighted to let you know this new call for submissions is open! Please read through the submission details carefully as we’ve changed some of our guidelines and it could result in your submission not being acknowledged.
Topics: Gothic Fantasy, Short Stories, myths and legends, short fiction, Call For Submissions, anthologies
With the final book in The Goblets Immortal series coming out on the 15th of November, we thought we’d give you a quick recap of the previous two books in the series to get you prepared. Death’s Key is going to be the epic conclusion of this magical trilogy, so make sure you get a copy. If you haven’t yet read The Goblets Immortal or Holes in the Veil, it’s not too late to snag a copy of both and end this blog post here.
Topics: fiction, epic fantasy
We are very excited to announce a new call for submissions which is now open! Please read through the details for submissions carefully before submitting your stories and make sure to include the project name in the subject of your email.
Topics: Short Stories, horror, Horror Fiction, Call For Submissions
We’re very pleased to announce the list of authors in our upcoming Hidden Realms anthology! With enchanting tales from modern authors sitting alongside older, classic fiction on the theme, the book is due for publication early next year (Jan 2023 for UK, on-sale March in the USA and Canada). As well as our regular submission process, we’re delighted to have collaborated with the award-winning online magazine DESIblitz, and Danni Blechner of Conscious Dreams Publishing, in order to seek out stories and authors beyond our usual channels. Our thanks go, as always, to everyone who submitted stories for consideration, and many congratulations to the below:
Topics: Short Stories, short fiction, anthologies
We are delighted to present the list of authors in our Alternate History book! Featuring classic stories on the theme with new and recent work by modern authors, this is an exciting anthology exploring reimagined histories and ‘What If?’ scenarios. Alongside our regular submission process, we teamed up with both the award-winning online magazine DESIblitz and Danni Blechner of Conscious Dreams Publishing, reaching out for stories and authors beyond our usual channels to ensure a wonderful variety of all the genre has to offer. We’re very pleased with the results, and our congratulations go to the below:
Topics: Short Stories, short fiction, anthologies
We’re pleased to announce the authors included in our upcoming anthology: First Peoples Shared Stories! Earlier this year, we opened for submissions on this theme (whether speculative, fantastic, sacred or folkloric) from writers with appropriate heritage in order to widen the door to creativity, to celebrate the international diversity of indigenous backgrounds and storytelling cultures. The book, due to be published in early October 2022 (UK) and mid-November 2022 (North America), combines new and contemporary stories with classic and ancient origin stories and oral traditions from around the world, to bring new perspectives and attention to the legacy of Indigenous Peoples, First Peoples. Award-winning Māori novelist, short story writer, essayist, and editor Paula Morris provides the foreword, alongside an introduction by Dr. Eldon Yellowhorn, author of Turtle Island: The Story of North America's First People and more. With invaluable editorial support from professor and Indigenous literature specialist Marc André Fortin, we’re delighted to have chosen the stories below for inclusion:
Topics: Gothic Fantasy, Short Stories, submissions, anthologies
Flame Tree Fiction are excited to announce that we will be printing an A5 fiction newsletter
with 7 fantasy flash fiction stories of 1,000 words as a special edition for FantasyCon 2022, 17th-18th September, which will be alongside our usual monthly newsletter.
The programme will include the chosen stories and the author’s bio, where it is read by
hundreds of writers in the UK Fantasy Community. It’s a fantastic, paid opportunity for
authors! Please note that the Monthly Fantasy Newsletter will run as usual.
The theme is…
The days of the week are steeped in mythology and folklore, often told around firesides in
times past. A man-made construct that we base our entire lives on. Originating from a
Sumerian calendar around 2000 BC, the seven days follow the transitions into the phases of
the moon: full, waning half, new and waxing half.
It is fitting then that the week therefore begins with Monday, the day of the moon, and ends
on the day of the sun: Sunday. Western Hemisphere mythology gave us Thursday, or Thor’s-
day. In Latin, Saturday was named after Saturn (Saturni). Each day of the week is connected
to a healing crystal. Christian stories tell of the seven days it took to create the universe.
Choose one, choose all – and take up your pen.
7 days of the week
7 days of secrets and sorcery
7 days of elementals
7 days of night
7 gods and 7 demons
7 days of siege
7 days to write a fantastical story…
- Please note that all stories submitted should be within the Fantasy genre
- Terms and conditions for the submissions here - https://flametr.com/submissions
- Please send your 1000-word story to the Newsletter Editor:
Zoë Seabourne
IMPORTANT: Please note the new email address, do not use the 'zoe@'; as this is now
discontinued - The deadline is the 1st September 2022
Topics: short fiction, Call For Submissions, anthologies