We’re pleased to announce the authors included in our upcoming anthology: Immigrant Sci-Fi Short Stories! Earlier this year, we opened for submissions from writers with a variety of personal connections to the experience of immigration, migration and relocation, in order to give voice to those telling stories from the perspective of the incoming. The book, due to be published in mid-March (UK) and late April 2023 (North America), combines new submissions, complemented by selected contemporary and modern stories, set in future, interstellar, fantastical and alternative realities, with a foundation of older, realist narratives exploring the plights and adventures of immigrants. Award-winning author of Alien Stories, E.C. Osondu, provides the foreword, alongside an insightful introduction by Betsy Huang, Ph.D., and with guidance from author and educator Sarah Raphael García, this is an intriguing view of the conflict and anxiety between the settled and the unsettled. We’re delighted to have chosen the stories below for inclusion:

• Our most recent anthology publications are Christmas Gothic and Compelling Science Fiction: see the list of authors for those here and here.
• Watch out for future submission calls via our newsletter, website and social media pages (Facebook, Twitter).