Flame Tree Fiction
Topics: Flame Tree Press, Flame Tree Press Authors, Flame Tree Press Titles, Horror Fiction, Horror Fiction History, historical fiction
In the first of this month's Q&As with our August authors, we have JG Faherty, author of Sins of the Father. He discusses some of the themes in the novel, who he based his characters on and advice for new writers! Be sure to check in tomorrow for more writing inspiration!
Topics: Flame Tree Press, Flame Tree Press Authors, Flame Tree Press Titles, Horror Fiction, Horror Fiction History, historical fiction
Stoker's Wilde West Longlisted for The Guardian's 'Not the Booker' Prize - How to Vote
We are so excited to announce that Stoker's Wilde West, the very exciting sequel to Stoker's Wilde by Steven Hopstaken and Melissa Prusi has been longlisted for this year's Not the Booker prize! Three books will be chosen from the list by popular vote, with three others being added by the judges, so we really need your vote! As the voting system is not a simple 'click here to vote', we thought we'd give you a step-by-step on how to vote!
Topics: Flame Tree Press, Flame Tree Press Authors, Flame Tree Press Titles, book prize
We’re pleased to announce the list of authors chosen for inclusion in Strange Lands Short Stories! Available from October 2020 in the UK, and November in the US/Canada, this is the latest title in our Gothic Fantasy anthology series. This new collection similarly casts stories by modern authors alongside early classic fiction on the theme. Our call for submissions was met with a fantastic response, so we have been kept busy over the last few months honing down a selection of tales of other worlds, daring adventure and rich imagination. We’re excited to share the results with you now – many thanks again to all who submitted and congratulations to the below:
Topics: gothic and fantasy, Gothic Fantasy, Short Stories, dark fantasy, anthologies
We’re delighted to announce the line-up of authors for our upcoming book Lovecraft Mythos: New & Classic Collection! Due for publication in October 2020 (November in the US/Canada), this anthology features a foreword by Ramsey Campbell and acts as a companion volume to our earlier collection: Lovecraft Short Stories. Along with a few key Lovecraft tales and early influences, this latest anthology includes work from a number of authors who have emulated or expanded on the Mythos since Lovecraft, among his contemporaries and also our own. See below for the selection of tales by modern authors chosen for inclusion…
Topics: gothic and fantasy, Gothic Fantasy, gothic horror
Welcome back the last part of our author-focused After Sundown blog series! Following the announcement of the contents list for our new horror anthology, After Sundown, edited by Mark Morris, we are going to talk a little bit about the talented authors featured in this new book!
Topics: Flame Tree Press, horror, Horror Fiction, anthologies
Welcome back to Part 4 of our author-focused After Sundown blog! Following the announcement of the contents list for our new horror anthology, After Sundown, edited by Mark Morris, we are going to talk a little bit about the talented authors featured in this new book!
Topics: Flame Tree Press, horror, Horror Fiction, anthologies
Welcome back to Part 3 of our author-focused After Sundown blog! Following the announcement of the contents list for our new horror anthology, After Sundown, edited by Mark Morris, we are going to talk a little bit about the talented authors featured in this new book!
Topics: Flame Tree Press, horror, Horror Fiction, anthologies
Welcome back to Part 2 of our author-focused After Sundown blog! Following the announcement of the contents list for our new horror anthology, After Sundown, edited by Mark Morris, we are going to talk a little bit about the talented authors featured in this new book!
Topics: Flame Tree Press, horror, Horror Fiction, anthologies
Following the announcement of the contents list for our new horror anthology, After Sundown, edited by Mark Morris, we are going to talk a little bit about the talented authors featured in this new book!
Topics: Flame Tree Press, horror, Horror Fiction, anthologies