Our forthcoming Gothic Fantasy anthologies feature an explosive mix of new and classic writers. We've released the list of new authors, and their stories, now here are the biographies of Chilling Horror Short Stories. Some are first time writers, others have had stories printed in magazines and story collections before.
Flame Tree Fiction
One of the biggest gaming announcements of the year was the unveiling of Bethesda's Fallout 4. Perhaps best known for their sprawling open-world game series, The Elder Scrolls (read, Skyrim), their critically acclaimed Fallout series is not far behind. With Fallout often edging it in when it comes to the critics the games are wildly different in terms of the universes they portray. Where Skyrim is full of rich colour and endless forests, Fallout operates within a desolate dystopian dumping ground. So why then are people so excited for the fourth instalment?
Topics: Gothic Dreams, dystopia
Our three collectable Gothic Fantasy anthologies, deluxe hardcover editions on Horror, Ghosts and Science fiction, each carry a potent mix of classic tales and new fiction, tracing the path of the thrilling tale from the early gothic to the modern fantastic. The range and high quality of entries forced us into a slight deviation from our original path, allowing us to include more of the new stories, at the expense of a few of classic writers. However, as you'll see below, we've selected a wide range of pioneer literary giants, from Henry James to E.M. Forster, Arthur Conan Doyle to Mark Twain, and, focussing on great reads, included some other fascinating contributions from the Golden Age of Pulps.
Topics: Gothic Fantasy, creepy stories, short fiction
Well, that was difficult. 721 submissions for our three anthologies on Ghosts, Horror and Science Fiction. Authors from around the globe, some published in magazines such as Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Plasma Frequency Magazine, Outposts of Beyond, Weird Tales, podcasts (Pseudopod, Escape Pod, Toasted Cake, Flight of the Fifty Fancies), award winners, and recent anthology collections, others never published before. I suppose we expected 150 stories, and a struggle to find the 60 we needed, but it was a complete shock to discover so many great reads, and distressing to have to make choices.
Topics: Gothic Fantasy, creepy stories, short fiction
The full terms and conditions below apply to our Facebook competition where you can win one of five copies of our new book Celestial Art.
Josephine Wall is a world-renowned artist who has become extremely popular due to her spectacular celestial art. So much of her life has been dedicated to her family and to her paintings. Her fairies, dragons, mermaids and other mythical creatures dive into the imaginations of many individuals. In fact, her fantastical paintings inspire people around the world to paint their own pictures and create their own fantasy worlds. So Josephine Wall is tremendously inspiring, but what inspires her to create these outstanding pieces of art? Today we are going to take a closer look into the personal world of Josephine Wall.
Topics: Josephine Wall, Gothic Dreams
It's fair to say that among all the movie announcements and trailers revealed at last weekends Comic Con 2015, it was superhero movies that really stole the show. Yesterday we analysed the amazing second trailer for Superman v Batman: Dawn of Justice, you can click here to read it.
Topics: movie posters, superhero movies
Ah, Comic Con. Apple of my eye. You really are too good to me sometimes. This year, you may have outdone yourself. You've given us a handful of awesome superhero movies and a couple of amazing trailers (plus a few more if you count the leaked ones).
Topics: movie posters, superhero movies
Dreams can transport us to entirely new worlds and universes. Waking up from dreams can sometimes be the most disappointing part of one’s day, especially if it was a vivid fantasy on a peaceful, romantic land – away from the polluted air, the irritable, fluxed traffic and the overbearing paperwork on your desk. On the other hand, a good dream can turn around one’s day completely. Unfortunately, as it stands we are subject to the whims of our subconscious and never fully in control of which turns our dreams will take. It’s amazing to think that technology can do just about anything besides place us where we really want to be – though that may be about to change. For now perhaps the closest we can get to reliving our night time fantasies is through our relationship with art, and this is where Josephine Wall and her our new Gothic Dreams book Celestial Art comes into play.
Topics: Josephine Wall, Gothic & Fantasy Art